Looking for greener art?

Welcome to my digital greenhouse, where art, environmentalism, and eco-conscious living intertwine. As an artist and avid tree-hugger, I invite you to explore captivating visuals and inspiring stories. Join me on a journey of creativity and activism as we celebrate the beauty of our planet and take steps toward a greener future. 

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My latest projects

Earth Day 2023


In honor of our beautiful mother earth. This year I made something simple incorporating wild roses to celebrate Earth Day. Wild roses are the most common flower to associate with planet Earth and mother nature since they grow even in the harshest environments. A true fighter like our mama.

Keychains hand-crafted by Mazes Design shop
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Step into a world where art meets environmental consciousness, where every piece illuminates thoughtful craftsmanship and dedication to a higher cause.

Immerse yourself in the treasure trove of vibrant imaginary, upcycled materials, and much more. Embrace the beauty of art with a conscience and discover the transformative power of creativity when harmonized with environmental stewardship.

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